Add to your holiday

Give the ultimate romantic gift 12 beautiful red roses carefully selected by our local florist.


A Dozen Red Roses


Please order at least two working days before arrival

Wanting a special gift for the one you love? Give them the ultimate romantic gift 12 beautiful red roses carefully selected by our local florist. Please give us at least 2 working days notice when ordering this item.

Wanting More?

Why not add even more to your order and make it the most special of holidays!

Pizza Package

Notice needed: 24 hours before arrival Add on our Pizza Package and enjoy creating your very own wood fired authentic neapolitan pizzas.

Rose Petals

Notice needed: 24 hours before arrival Here for a romantic getaway? Book gorgeous red rose petals to be scattered on your bed for arrival. 


Notice needed: A week before arrival Order a delicious cake from our local farm shop and we’ll deliver it to your pod for your arrival.

Board Games

Notice needed: 24 hours. Being on holiday is a perfect time to play board games. Order a new game from Dark Imp here!

Flower Bouquet

Notice needed: 2 working days. Have a bouquet of beautiful seasonal flowers from our local florist in your pod for arrival.

Strawberries and Cream

Notice needed: 2 working days. From May to September you can enjoy our strawberries and clotted cream hamper on arrival

Breakfast Hamper

Notice needed: 2 working days Make your first morning an easy one! Pre order a breakfast hamper for full of locally sourced goodies.

BBQ Boxes

Notice needed: 2 working days. For a great BBQ our neighbours at Trefranck Farm provide delicious BBQ packs – with literarily zero food miles!